
Frequently felt feelings of existential despair mixed with a healthy dose of socio-state-induced panic increasingly coax me to post words to be floated amidst this online ether…but despite this apparent gloom, am a very chirpy, humour loving, loud music craving, dog walking romanticist… A firm believer in the paradox!

So, we’ll see if this is a blog or ends up a repeated blag…

11 thoughts on “About

  1. A big WELCOME! to the blog Mo-ments or Idle Thoughts.
    Having read what you say above may I humbly suggest you read my material, in the order suggested?
    All the best!


    • Hi Ian, thanks for the welcome and for looking at my page(s). And further thanks for directing me to your material, much appreciated. I have begun looking at it and it looks very interesting, am looking forward to delving further in! 🙂


  2. Beeseeker(!), so sorry, have no idea how i missed this (technology and i are only in the first stages of dating…6 months down the line!); and P.Collector: good to know others feel the same- May the paradox be hailed 🙂

